Good gargantuadons. It has been a very full last few weeks (particularly the last nine days). Parmatt has been rather ghost-town-y. Well! Here’s a quick rundown of what’s been rattling around real-life Parmatt lately.
- Sweetotter Michele and I resumed work on the Till We Have Faces adaptation after a hiatus for the last few months. For those of you familiar with the story, we’re currently exploring how to bring to life the Psyche and the world of the gods on the Grey Mountain. It’s a beautiful challenge and hugely exciting when we catch glimpses of what it’s becoming.
- Developing V continues, although it’s been more on a backburner lately due to ramped-up busy-ness. As I mentioned briefly in my last post, I continue to be sucker-punched from unexpected avenues by ideas about the soul and the spirit, that will no doubt find their way into the spirit-and-myth-saturated world of V.
- This last week I also began rehearsals for a touring Christmas show with Taproot Theatre. I’m struck by how a wonderful group of people give such vibrancy to a production process. Bragtime: Jenny Estill (fearless director) and Asha Stitcher (boundless castmate) are a delight to join for this process. This and recent audition experiences have sparked a thoughtalanche about the impact of team dynamics, but that’s a post for later. For now, I will just say that it is so supes exciting that I hardly mind riding 50 minutes in the rain to get to rehearsals.(I can give no higher praise.)
I’m going to end with a blessing (I like blessings): May you experience joy this week as you add to and partake in our creation-filled world. May you be bold and joyous and vibrant. May you open your heart and risk toward Something More.